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Author Topic: Selecting Skis and Selecting Wife/husband : The Process  (Read 2441 times)


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Selecting Skis and Selecting Wife/husband : The Process
« on: 16 January, 2008, 17:22:40 »

Фак, слёг...  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Think about it selecting a husband/wife often is emotive,purely visceral,superficial (of course I want you to react), sexual?

Selecting skis of course is not! Or is it! Just read the marketing literature on the powerful, fast, clean skis!

Here is your challenge!
Think about it, how did you select your mate? What techniques used ? What benchmarks did you have? Then relate to skis you selected?

Here are the most comment "criteria" most people use ( you determine if it is for skis or wife/husband)

1. Expert skier uses it
2. Ski instructor used it
3. Great visual graphics
4. Great side-cut ( with 117-65-100 measurements)
5. Very stable in rough spots
6. Does not chatter when stressed
8. Does not "break up" after two year use
9. Takes a "wide" footprint
10.Takes you to higher levels of passion
11.Light to carry
13.Has many performance characteristics
14.Recommend by a product specialist
15.Tried it on vacation ( several times)
16.Can apply wax esily
17.Holds to terrain, does not deviate
18.Can be repaired easily
19.Adapts to all sorts of conditions
20.You dream of it
бабы на снегу - розовые на белом
!!!...SKI DEAL MUST DIE...!!!

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